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TMHS 485: What Causes Cancer, The History Of Cancer Treatments, & Cracking The Cancer Code - With Guest Dr. Jason Fung



Despite billions of dollars being invested into cancer treatment every year, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the US. Cancer is one of the most prevalent health issues our society is facing today. Its devastating reach has impacted millions of people worldwide, hurting folks and their loved ones physically, emotionally, and financially.  Over the past few decades, we’ve accepted cancer as a genetic mutation, or an unlucky hand that some of us just happen to be dealt. However, our recent understanding of cancer offers a new hope. In his new book, The Cancer Code, Dr. Jason Fung offers a new paradigm on how cancer occurs and how we can take back control of our health.  On today’s show, Dr. Fung is here to discuss the pivotal changes in our understanding of cancer and to demystify what cancer actually is. You’re going to learn about real world, sustainable changes you can make to reduce your cancer risk, and how to be more empowered about your overall health. Dr. Fung is one of the leading experts