The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1465: Tasha Newton Digs Deep Into Her Dixie Roots With Her Southern Keto Cookbook



Author of the book Southern Keto Tasha Newton is our interview guest today in Episode 1465 of “The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show”. Listen in today as Jimmy and Tasha talk about southern food, her journey to keto, the decisions she made to pursue a more healthy lifestyle, developing new ways to eat keto while honoring her southern roots, how sharing recipes and food ideas on social media exploded, developing healthy ways to cook comfort foods, her new cookbook Southern Keto, and much more.   Links mentioned in LLVLC Episode 1465: Southern Keto on Amazon Tasha on Instagram @ketoislife Southern Keto Cookbook on Instagram @southerneketocookbook Tasha on Facebook