The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1479: Dr. Tom Jelinek Digs Into Diabetes Down To The Cellular Level Embracing A Ketogenic Diet



Tom Jelinek earned his PhD in 1993 from McMaster University, studying cellular regulatory processes. He then joined the Cancer Center at the University of Virginia Medical School, where he furthered his studies on the mechanisms of cell signaling. At age 51, Tom was diagnosed with type II diabetes, with a blood glucose reading of 325 mg/dl (18 mM). But instead of turning to medication, he returned to his roots, and began to ask what went wrong, and whether it could be cured by reversing what went wrong. The result was a halving of blood glucose in under a month, and full reversal of diabetes in under three months. Listen in today as Jimmy and Dr. Jelinek talk about: How he came to write his book Goodbye, Pills & Needles: A Total Re-Think of Type II Diabetes. And A 90 Day Cure How he learned to go against the grain of mainstream opinion How medicine fundamentally misunderstands what insulin is Type I versus Type II Diabetes What happens to glucose, after drugs force reluctant cells to take it up  Metform