The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1543: Harvard Says Avoid Saturated Fat And Eat Whole Grains For Heart Health



Today we have a special JIMMY RANTS on The LLVLC Show for you. Jimmy and Christine are on their much deserved six-month sabbatical so we are bringing you some of the best content from Jimmy’s daily show JIMMY RANTS. Be sure to bookmark as dig through all of the content there during Jimmy’s time away. Paid advertisement “It’s just common sense that when you switch from being a sugar burner to a fat and ketone burner that the preponderance of your food would come from fatty meats.” - Jimmy Moore Paid advertisement In this JIMMY RANTS we highlight the latest from Harvard School of Public Health, calling on people to avoid saturated fat and eat more whole grains for heart health. These folks are sounding like a broken record, aren’t they? The article that spurred Jimmy to rant about this is located here: A bacon-and-eggs keto diet may not be good for long-term health, but a Harvard nutrition expert says there’s an oily alternative.  It’s the same old same old when it comes to these folks.