The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1554: New Google Search Algorithm Blacklisting Alternative Health Advocates



Today we have a special JIMMY RANTS on The LLVLC Show for you. Jimmy is on his much deserved six-month sabbatical so we are bringing you some of the best content from Jimmy’s daily show JIMMY RANTS. Be sure to bookmark and dig through all of the content there during Jimmy’s time away. Paid advertisement “If somebody is doing a key word search for something in alternative health, the chance is they won’t find it from Google. It’s time we boycott and find a different service.” Jimmy Moore Paid advertisement Most people generally recognize the idea of censorship as an extremely bad thing that suppresses freedom of consumer access to information to help them make informed decisions in their life. But when the largest and most recognized search engine in the world decides to engage in it with the sole purpose of silencing those voices that run counter to conventional wisdom on things like diet and health, it becomes a very serious issue. Read the story below from which is one o