The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1586: Could Embracing A Low Reward Lifestyle Be The Key To Stress Reduction?



Today we have a special JIMMY RANTS on The LLVLC Show for you. Jimmy is on his much deserved six-month sabbatical so we are bringing you some of the best content from Jimmy’s daily show JIMMY RANTS. Be sure to bookmark and dig through all of the content there during Jimmy’s time away. Paid advertisement “I think you need to cut back the people you follow online to the people you actually know and the people you get genuine benefit from.” Jimmy Moore Paid advertisement Do you ever find yourself watching a video on YouTube and then clicking on another and another and another? Before you know it, hours have passed and you wonder what happened to all the time. This is a natural dopamine response that our brains deeply crave and it can rob you of so much time that you feel the stress that comes from being unproductive. Will Rinehart wrote a fantastic column about this on about pursuing a Low Reward Lifestyle as a means of offsetting the time-sucking, emotionally-draining online