The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1589: Moderating Protein More Important For People With Insulin Resistance



Today we have a special JIMMY RANTS on The LLVLC Show for you. Jimmy is on his much deserved six-month sabbatical so we are bringing you some of the best content from Jimmy’s daily show JIMMY RANTS. Be sure to bookmark and dig through all of the content there during Jimmy’s time away. Paid advertisement “You cannot get the full amino acid profile that your body requires unless you eat animal foods.” Jimmy Moore Paid advertisement One of the biggest debates in the ketogenic community surrounds the subject of whether the preponderance of your diet should consist of dietary protein or dietary fat. People have such a difficult time knowing exactly how much protein is the right amount for them. That’s what a recent review of the medical literature was about to help people determine what that level is. Read the story about it below. Here’s How Much Protein You Need To Eat On A Regular Basis: It’s all about