The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1624: A Reasonable Response To Surviving The Coronavirus Crisis–And Beyond!



Life has certainly changed for all of us in recent days as governments and organizations attempt to respond to the Coronavirus outbreak. Today we talk all about what is going on and try to help you make sense of it all, including addressing what happens to our bodies when we are in crisis mode. “Even the natural fears and stress of watching the news can trigger a physiological response. Your body doesn’t care where the stress comes from.” - Jimmy Moore Since worldwide awareness of the severity of the #coronavirus #COVID19 pandemic has spread over just the past week, it’s having an obvious direct impact on every part of our lives. Normal activities like going to your local gym to workout, shopping at the grocery store or a big box store, or even going to sporting events (which has been entirely shut down across-the-board) as an escape from life have suddenly become a lot more problematic and abnormal. ⁣ Whatever your belief is about what’s going on with this, one thing is certain—the stress, anxiety, and o