The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1638: Are Alternative Health Voices Being Censored On Social Media To Appease The World Health Organization Agenda?



Are alternative health voices being censored? That’s what we look at today in this special JIMMY RANTS on The LLVLC Show Episode 1638. “Who gets to determine what speech gets protected and what gets silenced? This is a very real concern.” – Jimmy Moore As we enter another month of quarantine due to Covid-19, more and more information is coming out from alternative voices as to the best course of action to fight this disease. But are all voices being heard? Nutrition has long been a topic where alternative voices are needed to fight against the official stances on things like obesity and food related illnesses. Why are those same voices being silenced over this? Listen in today as Jimmy explores what is going on with the apparent silencing of voices that question the official narrative and who might disagree with groups such as the World Health Organization and the information they are putting out there. Is something going on here? You be the judge.