The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1652: Dr. Gary Fettke Vindicated, Pete Evans Repudiated In Australia For Speaking Truth



Jimmy talks about how Dr. Gary Fettke and Pete Evans fight for the nutritional truth in Australia. “For four years this doctor had the answer for his patients’ illnesses but was prevented from sharing the truth with them.” – Jimmy Moore When medical doctors take the Hippocratic oath to “first do no harm,” then you would assume that means they will do anything within their arsenal of knowledge and experience to make their patients better. Unfortunately, though, this doesn’t seem to apply to those doctors who have become educated on the role of nutrition in the health of their patients. And we’re seeing it all over the world right now we are doctors using a dietary approach like keto are being brought before their medical review board to explain what they are doing. Isn’t this infuriating? I just don’t understand how a doctor promoting a natural health remedy like rating real food is somehow harming their patients in any way whatsoever. Now you and I both know the close ties that mainstream medical doctors hav