The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1668: The Role Of T Cells And Ketone Bodies In The Immune Response To COVID-19



How does a ketogenic diet affect Covid-19? Do T cells have an impact on your immune response? Find out on Episode 1668 of The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show. “What if the hydroxybutyrate in your blood could give you a fighting chance when it comes to Covid-19?”  - Jimmy Moore A lot of people in the keto and carnivore community right now are discussing the importance of eating better as a means of lowering glucose, inflammation, and insulin levels to improve overall metabolic health. There’s certainly nothing wrong with that messaging and I agree with it for the most part. But what about the role of ketone bodies themselves and how they can help fight viral infections like the seasonal flu and even COVID-19? New research reveals some exciting details. ⁣ ⁣ In this episode of JIMMY RANTS on The LLVLC Show, I read from a 2020 study published in the journal Med entitled “Investigating Ketone Bodies as Immunometabolic Countermeasures against Respiratory Viral Infections” by Brianna J. Stubbs, etal. I’m gonna warn you