The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1723: Dr. Angela Stanton Takes Us To School On Migraines, Hormones, & Keto Carnivore Diets



On today’s episode of the LLVLC Show, Jimmy welcomes Dr. Angela Stanton to talk about the role of diet on hormonal health. “So many people don’t realize that you are in ketosis in the womb and are born in ketosis.” Dr. Angela Stanton Dr. Angela Stanton is the perfect person to have authored the book, Fighting the Migraine Epidemic: How to Treat and Prevent Migraines Without Medicine. A migraine and nutrition scientist and long-term migraine sufferer herself, she was fed up with the lack of understanding and treatments for migraines within the medical community. So she focused her research on the root cause of migraines as well as their prevention and treatment. Stanton’s research helped her identify a “migraine code,” or collection of circumstances that likely cause migraines, which is explained in her book and helps migraine sufferers better manage their symptoms. In this interview, Jimmy speaks with migraine and nutrition scientist and long-term migraine sufferer Angela Stanton, PhD who has focused her res