The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1745: Sam Apple Pays Homage To Keto-Cancer Legacy Of Otto Warburg In RAVENOUS



On today’s episode of the LLVLC Show, Jimmy welcomes Sam Apple for an exciting conversation about his new book RAVENOUS. “He found out that all these pathways that are activated in cancer are activated by insulin.” Sam Apple In this interview, Jimmy talks to a science writing professor from Johns Hopkins named Sam Apple who recently released a book about the life and work of Otto Warburg entitled RAVENOUS: Otto Warburg, the Nazis, and the Search for the Cancer-Diet Connection. The book is spellbinding and reminds people of the history of Warburg’s Nobel Prize-winning ideas surrounding the metabolic connection to the treatment and prevention of the development of cancer. Jimmy and Sam go deep into the topic of sugar, insulin, metabolism, cancer, and more in this engaging interview! In Ravenous, Sam Apple reclaims Otto Warburg as a forgotten, morally compromised genius who pursued cancer single-mindedly even as Europe d