Spider-man Crawlspace Podcast

Podcast #662-Spider-History Bart Hamilton Saga



JR takes us back to January 1978 to look at the following book which make up the Bart Hamilton Green Goblin saga.  Amazing Spider-Man #176-180 If you would like to see the video of this podcast check it out here. https://youtu.be/WEkQmeYOI94 Be sure to visit our main page at: http://www.spidermancrawlspace.com You can join our patreon page and get some very cool perks like exclusive podcasts and also help support the site. They also got this episode two weeks early.   https://www.patreon.com/crawlspace Be sure to follow us on social media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SpiderManCrawlspace Twitter https://twitter.com/crawlspace101 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/officialcrawlspace/ Youtube https://www.youtube.com/spidermancrawlspace