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What is The Answer to War? How to Love First and Ask Questions Later! Preemptive Love with Jeremy Courtney



If you’ve ever wondered how to make a real difference in the world, then do we have the Love Anyway show for you.   Today I’ll be talking with Jeremy Courtney, one of the world’s true heroes and the epitome of an open-hearted warrior, the founder and CEO of Preemptive Love Coalition, a relief and job creation community working to end war, and the author of one most powerful life changing and must read books, “Love Anyway”    That’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how and why to end war, the real work on the inside, and what in the world is pre-emptive love?   Key Points Discussed:  What did 9/11 mean to you? (03:25) How did grandpa no-no’s path affect the trajectory of your life? (05:22) Seeing people do triple flips in war zones and former war zones: How love and pain changes us (08:03) The mission in Turkey and what it was all about (09:50) A Jesus way of living and how it cracked his heart (13:05) Experiencing a profound spiritual experience and stumbling into a higher way (15:08) Wha