Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

002: Android Studio



In this episode of Fragmented, Donn and Kaushik talk about the official IDE for Android development – “Android Studio”. Why should you care about your IDE? Is Android Studio really open source? What are some of the advantages of using Android Studio? How can you customize and tweak Android Studio so you take your android development game to the next level? Listen to this episode and find out. The awesome picks for this episode are particularly awesome too. Shownotes Android Studio (official IDE): Google announces Android Studio [Google I/O 2013] Developer frontpage – Android Studio is the official editor [] “Open source-ness” of Android Studio: IntelliJ open source platform for building IDEs [] Eclipse plugin ADT [] Build Android Studio from command line [] Jake Wharton’s u2020 Demo App Environment customizations: Kaushik’s Android studio environment (codestyle, livetemplates, keymap etc) [] Chris Kempson – original theme [