Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

004: The RxJava show with Dan Lew (Part 2)



In this episode of Fragmented, Donn and Kaushik continue their conversation with Dan Lew on RxJava. In the final part of this 2 part series, they talk about many useful RxJava operators and other intricacies of using RxJava in Android. Show Notes RxJava Operators: Observable.just [] Observable.from [] Observable.defer [] Using defer to handle “Old, Slow Code” [] [] Observable.flatmap [] map vs flatmap (alchemist and cheese shredding analogy [reddit]) [] Observable.combineLatest [] Observable. switchMap [] Observable.distinctUntilChanged [] Observable.lift explanation [] Observable.compose Don’t break the chain (using compose) [] Observable.filter [] Observable.take [] subscribeOn vs observeOn [] Understanding debounce, buffer, debouncedBuffer [] RxJava Comp