Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

005: Image libraries for Android



In this episode of Fragmented, Donn and Kaushik start off by discussing the tips and tricks available for efficiently loading images in an Android app. Good image libraries make use of these techniques and perform all the heavy lifting in the background. So they then discuss the different image library options available for Android developers. Show Notes Techniques/tips on effective image rendering in Android: Bitmap sizes and allocation: Displaying bitmaps efficiently [] RGB_565, ARGB_888 and other different bitmap configurations[] Android Camera2 apis [] Chet Haase DevByte : Bitmap allocation [] (bitmaps managed in Dalvik heap post 3.0; so large bitmaps implies large heap implies GC could happen more often) Reuse bitmaps: inBitmap option for Android 3.0 and later [] before Android 4.4 only equal sized bitmaps with inSampleSize 1 supported[] Reusing bitmap objects on Android[] Do