Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

010: Boning Up on Core Java with Michael Bailey



In this episode Donn and Kaushik talk to the very talented Michael Bailey about core Java principles and practices. Michael has quite the deep and passionate understanding of Java and we thought it would only be perfect to share this episode with a very passionate Java crowd - Android developers. We talk about IntelliJ, Testing, Inheritance, Static Code analysis, Garbage Collection, Data Structures and much more in this episode. If you're looking to learn a thing or two about Java, then this is your episode. We hope you enjoy. Show Notes elapsedRealtimeNanos for getting wall time [] Android Pay announcement [] Intellij information: Curated list of IDE plugings by Jetbrains [] Key promoter plugin [] Productivity Guide [] Extending + Shrinking selection [] Testing talk: Google acquires Appurify [] Cloud Test Lab (erstwhile Appurify) [