Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

054: Git Development Workflow and Branch Versioning for App Devs



Donn and Kaushik discuss how they use git for their development workflow. They also touch on semantic versioning and how they rollout new versions of their app in a controlled fashion. Show Notes Follow up Ep 052: Junit tricks with Parameterized and Enclosing tests Jose Alcerecca showing some Stephan Linzer love Burst : Better Parameterized testing by Square Misc TortoiseSVN A successful git branching model DiffMerge by SourceGear realm-java open source repo (shows branch naming convention) Semantic versioning spec Sponsor Hired - special offer: double the signing bonus! Contact @fragmentedcast [] @donnfelker and +DonnFelker @kaushikgopal and +KaushikGopalIsMe