Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

057: Data Binding with GDE Lisa Wray



In this episode we talk with, Lisa Wray, first of her job title, mother of the Genius Android app and sorceress of Data Binding. What is Data Binding? How does it work? What can you do with it? ... and what you can really do with it ! Listen on and find out more. Lisa walks us through the basics and then talks to us about how we can really push the envelope with Data Binding and do some really cool things. Show Notes About Lisa Wray Genius [] Fragmented Ep 042 - Google IO 2016 special [] Data Binding Resources Data Binding Library [] Data Binding - Writing Apps Faster (Android Dev Summit 2015) [] Data Binding Techniques - Jacob Tabak's Droidcon NYC 2015 talk [] talk:title="@{dataBinding}" - Lisa's lightning talk at Square Android Spring Cleaning [] Descent into Data Binding - Bill Phillips at Big Nerd Ranch [] Advanced Data Binding - Google I/O 2016 [] ADB Ep 35 - Data Bound [