Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

082: Airbnb's Gabriel tells us how to animate with Lottie



It's pretty awesome, when you use a third party library, love using it and finally get to talk to the person who actually helped build it. In this episode, we talk to Gabriel Peal. Besides having quite the illustrious career in Android development, Gabriel now works at Airbnb and helped build Lottie - an animation library. What is Lottie, how do you use Lottie? why is so Lottie so cool? how does it actually work under the hood? Listen to this episode and find out. Show Notes Lottie for Android (github) Bodymovin (github) Install via Adobe cloud extensions - sample Lottie animations Using lottie - example snippets Lotte Reiniger- the animator Sponsors Rollbar - special offer: Bootstrap plan free for 90 days Contact @gpeal8 or lottie@airbnb @fragmentedcast @donnfelker and +DonnFelker @kaushikgopal and +KaushikGopalIsMe