Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

110: BuddyBuild and CI/CD services



In this episode of Fragmented, we talk about CI, CD and CD services. That's Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment. BuddyBuild a beloved 3rd party service of ours (and previous sponsor) is sunsetting their Android service, so Donn and KG discuss alternatives and the options they've been keeping an eye on. Listen on: Download directly Show Notes BuddyBuild is now part of Apple Google buys Sparrow Differences between CI/CDs services Good article on CI Nice infomatic explaining CD vs CD Options for CI Services Jenkins CloudBees - enterprise Jenkins Bitrise Bitrise and Firebase test lab NeverCode Welcoming Android developers blog post by NeverCode Microsoft AppCenter Ep 104 - Donn talks to the Samina from AppCenter Circle CI 2.0 docs Testing with Firebase test lab Team City - Jetbrains Code Ship Sponsors Mapbox - - Android developers don't have to settle for a default same-map-no-matter-what option in their Android app. Mapbox offers complete map design control,