Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

124: IO 2018 first impressions with Android Dialogs & Pocket Casts teams



In this episode of Fragmented, Kaushik talks to Chiuki & Huyen from Android Dialogs and Russell & Philip from Pocket Casts. Fresh after IO we huddled in a room to talk about our first impressions and what we thought were some of the highlights for us Android developers. Hope you enjoy the show! (if you want to see a behind the scenes crossover special, make sure to subscribe to Android Dialogs!) Show Notes Android Dialogs Chiuki @chiuki Huyen Tue Dao @queencodemonkey Android Dialogs on YouTube Pocket Casts Russell Ivanovic @rustyshelf Phil of PocketCasts @geekygecko Pocket Casts Wall Street Journal - Public Radio organizations buy Pocket Casts io2018 stuff Google I/O 2018: What's new in Android Google Duplex announcement at Google IO Android Jetpack (intro video) Android Jetpack: manage UI navigation with Navigation Controller (Google I/O '18) Material theming Material Theme Editor (Sketch plugin) Video 1: Guide to the new website Video 2: Build great Material Design products across p