Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

168: Learning Kotlin: Lambda Expressions Part 2



In this episode, Donn continues his talks about Kotlin Lambda Expressions. He explains how you can use lambda expressions as function parameters and as return types for functions. This is a very dense episode - if you get lost look at the code snippets below or view on them on class LogReader { fun processFile(file: File, processLine: (String) -> Unit = {}) { file.forEachLine { println("Number of Chars: ${it.length}") processLine(it) println("Line Done Processing") } } fun processFileWithHandlers(file: File, logHandler: LogHandler) { file.forEachLine { println("Start of Processing") logHandler.handleLine().forEach { handler -> handler(it) } println("Line Done Processing") } } } interface LogHandler { fun handleLine(): List<(String) -> Unit> } val reader = LogReader() val textFile = File("/Users/donnfel