Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

181: In Functional Programming how to do IO and database operations



In the world of Functional programming where pure functions don't encourage side-effects, how does on actually do any IO? So in this brave new world where everyone is adopting more FP principles, do we just stop doing database operations? Listen to this episode to find out. Functional Programming basics Ep 83 : Learning the basics of functional programing with Anup Cowkur Ep 120 : Functional Programming with Kotlin Arrow team Ep 121 : Functional Programming with Kotlin Arrow team (Part 2) Unidirectional State Flow Ep 148 and Ep 151 KG's speakerdeck slide KG's Movie search apps Android app + iOS app Resources for FP/IO contention StackOverflow Q&A Flying Frog Blog: Functional programming and databases Sponsors