Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

182: Where do I put DB objects in a modularized Android app?



App Modularization has plenty of benefits and a lot of Android devs today are starting to modularize their android app. A common problem though that most folks will start to run into is - how do you manage your database objects in these modules? do you create a single module with all your database dependencies (modularize by layer), do you do the right thing and modularize by feature so each module has it's own database file etc.? In this episode Kaushik grapples with that question and tries to come up with an answer. Shownotes Modularization (KG's favorite resources) Google IO 19 : Build a modular Android app architecture Jeroen Mols's posts : Modularization - Why you should care Joe Birch's posts : Modularizing Android Appications Ep 117 : Multi Module Builds in Gradle Karan Trehan's post : Writing a modular project on Android Sponsors