Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

188: Containerized applications with Docker



Shownotes In this episode KG and Donn talk about KG's recent jaunt with Docker. In the attempt to setup continuous deployment for his blog, KG explains his simple requirement and how it lands up requiring some basic Docker. Donn then closes it out with some interesting in-depth knowledge on how to use Docker Personal website hosting Donn Felker Kaushik's website html-proofer Wordpress jekyll static website blogging Domain checking services Domainr Lead Domain Search Docker Docker Hub Circle CI : dockerfile wizard KG's ruby-node docker container Docker Compose RabbitMq Kubernetes : K8s Udemy course: Docker & Kubernetes - The complete guide Vue Js Dockerizing a Node.JS Server Contact @fragmentedcast or our Youtube channel @donnfelker and donnfelker (on Instagram) @kaushikgopal and kaushikgopal (on Instagram)