Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

201: State of the Testing Union with Valera Zakharov



In episode 1 of Fragmented we talked about Testing. 200 episodes in, we decided it's a good time to do a state of the union for mobile testing. We talk with Valera Zakharov who's a Staff Engineer at Slack and considered one of the experts in the field of mobile testing. Hope you enjoy this one!ShownotesEspresso Testing with AndroidAndroid Test OrchestratorFlank : Fragemented EpisodeBluepill : LinkedIn's iOS Testing FrameworkValera's Droidcon Talk - E2E2U: Slack's Journey to Developer-driven End-to-end TestingValera's blog post on Slack - Android UI Automation: Part 1, Building TrustJake Wharton's Testing RobotsContact@valera_zakharov@fragmentedcast or our Youtube channel@donnfelker and donnfelker (on Instagram)kaushikgopal (on YouTube) or or @kaushikgopal