Mindset Digital

45: Twitter and Facebook's New Policies on Political Advertising



We discuss recent policy announcements from Twitter and Facebook about how they're going to handle political advertising...plus hot takes on the Williams-Sonoma catalog. Twitter will stop running political ads ahead of the 2020 election https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/30/tech/twitter-political-ads-2020-election/index.html Facebook won't let California governor candidate run false ads https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/29/tech/facebook-california-candidate-false-ads/index.html The Haters Guide to the Williams Sonoma Catalog: https://theconcourse.deadspin.com/the-2018-ish-hater-s-guide-to-the-williams-sonoma-cata-1832646809 Follow us! Pete Brown @petebrownsays Mindset Digital @mindsetdigital Email us: [email protected] Music: Safety Net - Riot https://youtu.be/faEtFGEqEAo Some music is courtesy of the website Audionautix.com, and some sound effects are courtesy of freesound.org. Both licensed under Creative Commons 3.0. “Make Me Laugh” Interstitial by Kevin Davison.