American Patchwork and Quilting Radio

7-19-16 Stacy lest Hsu, Debbie Maddy, Mary Abreu, and Shruti Dandekar join Pat Sloan on American Patchwork and Quilting Radio



If you have some Lil Red, Coral Queen of the Sea, and are waiting for Farm Fun, then today is your lucky day! I am so excited to talk to Moda Fabric Designer Stacy lest Hsu to find out more about how she got into fabric designing and have her tell us about the adorable doll panels that come with her lines. --------------- Debbie Maddy has taken the ancient art of Shibori, a traditional Japanese dyeing technique, and turned it into a beautiful fabric line for Moda. I can't wait to learn more about how she was inspired by this and she has some great tips for making quilts that look complicated! ------------------ Each month this year Mary Abreu of Confessions of a craft addict is joining me so we can talk about in depth on topics we quilters want to know about! This month we are going to go behind the scenes as Mary tells us what it's like to get ready for the Row by Row Experience in the shop where she works. You can meet Mary by visiting Intown