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How to Call in and Connect with Your Angels and Guides! (POWERFUL) with Suzanne Giesemann



If you’ve ever felt the deck was rigged against you, then do we have the Awakened Show for you! We’ll discuss free will vs destiny, angels, and cosmic setups, along with if and how we can connect with the other side to change our path! Today I’ll be speaking with Suzanne Giesemann, founder and teacher of The Awakened Way, a former U.S. Navy Commander who served as a commanding officer and aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9/11, and the author of at least 13 books on Connecting with Spirit. Suzanne Giesemann shares a tried and true process for connecting with angels specifically here to help guide you. Plus, we’ll talk about Robin Williams and Doves, Medallions and Receivers, (E.T) Extraterrestrial and the Navy, and what in the world Beams of Light and Nelly have to do with anything! Are you ready to shine!? To find out more visit: - "Soul to Soul Communication" course info and registration page Additional