Doctor Who: Podshock

Doctor Who: Podshock - 66



Doctor Who: Podshock Episode 66 For the Week of the 5th of February 2007 Running Time: 1:13:04 In this episode: News: Doctor Who Costumes in High Profile Auction, John Simm Casting Rumour, Michelle Collins Cast, Freema Interview in The Newspaper, BBC Digital Downloads Backing, Survival DVD Delayed, Gallifrey One 2007 and I-CON 26 Convention Updates, etc. Features: Vintage 1980's interview with Peter Davison, Stewart Robertson (AKA Doctor Whoovie) reports on Doctor Who Up Close Exhibition (complete with photos (in the Enhanced Podcast version)). Announcements: Ken's Gallifrey 2007 Challenge, Create a Doctor Who: Podshock mash-up promo and the one we like the most will get a special 'iGift' from us. Feedback: Scott from Tulsa, OK, Ashley from Atlanta, GA, Brenda on the TARDIS sound effect, Amy and Inigo, Emily of Melbourne, Australia, Martin Johnson (composer of Evil of the Daleks stage show), and Taylor being alarmed. Promos: Doctor Who: Human Resources BBC 7 Radio promo, MMM Commentaries podcast prom