Doctor Who: Podshock

Doctor Who: Podshock - 69



Doctor Who: Podshock Episode 69 For the Week of the 27th of February 2007 Running Time: 1:49:59 In this episode: News: 40 PBS Stations Pick Up Doctor Who, New Beginnings DVD Box Set Announced for North America, Derek Waring Passes, Build a Dalek Contest, On Location Photos, Canadian Update, Hugh Grant cast?, etc.. Features: Mike Doran reflects on Gallifrey 2007 - The 18th Amendment of Gallifrey One convention in L.A., California. Announcements: Create Podshock Mash-Up Promo Reminder, Ken's Challenge, Podshock Live Recording at I-CON, Doctor Who at the Cavern. Feedback: Scott in Tulsa, OK, Jennifer, Peter in Hartford, CT, Joan in Dallas, TX, Jill, and Sarah in Australia or Ireland. Promos: Doctor Who: Blood of the Daleks and Doctor Who: Nocturne Big Finish promos. Guests: Joining us as a guest host in this episode, Canadian Corespondent Mike Doran. Hosted by James Naughton (UK), Ken Deep (US), and Louis Trapani (US). Brought to you by the Gallifreyan Embassy and presented by Outpost Gallifrey. Do