Doctor Who: Podshock

Doctor Who: Podshock - 70



Doctor Who: Podshock Episode 70 For the Week of the 5th of March 2007 Running Time: 1:30:06 In this episode: News: 2007 series ("Series 3") start date, BBC on YouTube, CBC Update, Torchwood Down Under, etc.. Features: Mike Doran interviews Doctor Who writer Paul Cornell Gallifrey 2007 - The 18th Amendment of Gallifrey One convention in L.A., California. Announcements: Doctor Who: Podshock Live Recording at I-CON. Feedback: Special Feedback Episode -- Steve from Oswego, NY, Jason from PA, Alex from Tokyo, Japan, Dave Cooper ("daveac") in the UK, David somewhere outside of Austin, TX, Wendy from New York, NY, Charles asks about DWFCA, Esco ("The Bachelor") from San Antonio, TX, Daniel in Illinois, J. Yu, David Brown, and Keith Kittridge reports from Gallifrey 2007. Promos: Doctor Who: Blood of the Daleks Part 2 and Doctor Who 2007 Series ("Series 3") promo, The Magic Sock podcast promo. Guests: Prerecorded guests include Paul Cornell and Canadian Corespondent Mike Doran. Hosted by James Naughton (UK