Delight Your Marriage

255-Coveting Affects Your Sex



Most people don't use that word anymore.  But I think "coveting" is still very relevant to our world today. And is still an egregious sin we need to take seriously for our benefit and God's Kingdom. When I look at the Ten Commandments, I used to think they weren't all that related to one another... and they didn't have much to do with marriage or sex.  1- But looking at them again, there's a thread that runs through them very beautifully: contentment with God's will for you.  2- Sex is even directly indicated. But the one about "do not covet your neighbor's wife," if taken seriously, guards against the "do not commit adultery" commandment. Coveting is actually a very important sin for men AND women. We each need to take it very seriously. It causes your sex life to dwindle if either partner is doing it.  Though men and women covet differently around sex, if given to that temptation, it has a huge impact on the bedroom.  God cares about our hearts. He cares about how we think and how we judge.