Delight Your Marriage

254-Dealing with Disappointments



Have you been hurt? Have you been disappointed?  By your spouse. By those you love. By God.   I think the answer has to be yes. Disappointment is part of the human experience. Jesus was disappointed and hurt by those he loved. But he somehow put his disappointments in a category where it didn't slow down His mission to do God's will.   In this episode, I share how I felt disappointed by my husband and went about things the wrong way. And I share what I should have done (for your benefit :)   Yes, I'll share how to motivate your spouse to do what you want, but more importantly what to do if they don't. It's a perspective shift that's required if you're going to have a healthy and happy marriage.   But also I share how to have less disappointments and be less hurt by your spouse.  If you've been disappointed by God, I want to speak to that as well.    Especially as this pandemic is taking it's toll on so many in so many different ways, we can easily get disappointed at God. How could he do this? How could He al