Coffee Break Spanish

Coffee Break Spanish Magazine Episode 102



This is the second episode of our Coffee Break Spanish Magazine. In this edition:Laura introduces us to the expression por si las moscas;JP and Nahyeli answer Steve’s question about using the verb fingir, meaning “to pretend”and in our interviews, Alba asks ¿Qué es para ti un buen profesor?This season of Coffee Break Spanish Magazine features a total of 10 lessons, all of which are included in the podcast feed. If you’d like to benefit from video versions, lesson notes and bonus audio materials, you can access the premium version of the Coffee Break Spanish Magazine in the Coffee Break Academy.Don’t forget to follow Coffee Break Spanish on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points and review materials to help you practise your Spanish. Remember - a few minutes a day can help you build your confidence in the language. Access the Coffee Break Spanish Facebook page here.If you’d like to find out what goes on behind the scenes here at Coffee Break Languages, follow @coffeebreaklanguages on Insta