Delight Your Marriage

251-How Intimacy Affects Your (God-Given) Assignment



You have an Assignment (1 Cor 7:17). A plan a purpose God laid out for you to do. A set group of people He wants you to impact. Jesus didn't assign you to everyone.  He even had limits on himself.  Jesus himself limited his prayers: "I am not praying for the world, but for those whom you have given me" John 17:9   But  if we think that we're supposed to be doing everything, we'll miss who He is really assigning us to. Thus, His perfect plan doesn't go forward. This impacts your sex life, and is impacted by your sex life. Whether you're a woman or a man this has impact.    I think this allows us to all take a breath and say, "Lord help me to know who you have given me. Help me to be content with who you have given me. Help me to truly serve, love and impact only those you have given me". And if all of us did that... then the world would look a lot different, I think.  I share how I'm doing that in my life, with my family and in my current launch of the renewed Masculinity Reclaimed program right now. I share h