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Scientifically Proven Techniques to Boost Your Immune System & Reduce Fear Fast!!! Dr. Dawson Church



If you’ve ever wondered how to stay healthy, safe and more positive than ever during this ever-changing time, then do we have the Mind to Matter show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Dawson Church, award-winning author of the “Genie in Your Genes”, EFT tapping expert, energy healing expert and researcher, the editor of “Energy Psychology”, and the author of one of the most brilliant, important, and must-read books on the science of mind and matter, “Mind to Matter”  And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about the astonishing science of how your brain creates material reality, and how we can use it to flip today’s Coronavirus challenges right on their head. Additional Resources: Mind to Matter By Dr. Dawson Church ……. For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit: To support the show and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access, visit: