Delight Your Marriage

239-For the High Drive Husband



So, I hear you. And I validate your desire. I wish wives would understand the importance and privilege she has to love him the WAY HE RECEIVES love. With that in mind, I want to encourage you, dear husband. Jesus KNOWS about your high sex drive. In fact, God is responsible for it. It's very clear in the Bible that He knows and designed you with it. So, when I am encouraging you in how to view your wife, it's actually the most PRODUCTIVE thing you can do to bring you both at a better place in intimacy.  It's not the last step, but it's the FIRST and has be there BEFORE anything else. If you want to understand the next 12 steps (literally), you can sign up for a FREE Clarity Call (worth $500!) where you and I will talk about what your SPECIFIC situation is. You'll get clarity and great value and as I'm listening and discerning whether or not you'd be the right fit for me to expect amazing transformation in your marriage: -like a husband who was celibate for several years because his wife shut him out now they'r