Delight Your Marriage

237-Heal From Sexual Trauma, Interview with Catherine Wilson, Part 2



Why did she heal?  What motivated a woman who was a size 0, undernourished, had been abused horribly to decide it was worth the challenge to heal? How did she heal and now have a thriving intimate life with her husband? Catherine gives us insight, hope and practical tools for you. You too can be healed, by God's grace. Whether you were abused or your spouse, this will be helpful to understand the process and know that complete healing and restoration is possible for you!   Catherine is incredibly inspiring and has used her story to bring light and safety to so many through her organization Stop Trafficking Us ( which helps people out of being trafficked.    If this resonates with you and you'd like some additional tips on how to stay present during intimacy, I'd love to also give you a free resource: "8 Secrets to Stay Present during Intimacy". You can get it here: