Seanwes Podcast

472: Patience vs. Execution



Every year, millions of people join a gym. And, every year, somewhere between 2-6 months after joining, millions of people stop going to the gym. And while this is arguably a boon to the people who own gyms, it isn’t good news for those of us seeking a healthier lifestyle. Change—whether it’s a change in your waistline or your net worth—takes time, and it takes effort. It takes both. If you hit the gym today and work out as hard as you can until you collapse… you won’t wake up much healthier tomorrow (quite the opposite). And if you just dutifully pay your gym fees for ten years, you won’t wake up a decade from now and discover yourself an athlete. No. If you want to change something, you’ll have to put in the reps, perhaps for years. How do you know if you’re up for that? How do you get yourself to be up for it? Let’s talk about what it takes to pursue a change for as long as it takes to see results.