Seanwes Podcast

453: How to Cure Perfectionism and Be Consistent



Most of the things you love and enjoy in life are imperfect in some way. But that doesn't keep you from loving them. In many cases, you love something because of its imperfections. Yet, we're pretty hard on ourselves. We expect perfection and nothing less, so we end up feeling stuck because we can't make something perfect. This is a huge problem because quantity leads to quality. Perfectionism inhibits consistency. Without consistency, you won't produce quantity—which means you can't produce quality. The very pursuit of perfectionism ensures you won't get the results you seek. Your standards are unrealistically high if they cause paralysis. You don't get to determine the value of your work. That's for others to decide. So how do you get past the mental roadblocks and be consistent? That's what we'll talk about today.