Seanwes Podcast

446: Escaping the Trap of Consumer Debt



Dan and Ben are back once more while Sean is in Hawaii! Hear about his epic hike in 444: The Hike of a Lifetime: Kalalau Trail. Sean returns to the podcast next week. In Overlap, Sean talks about defining your “New Zero”: figure out how much money you’d need to cover all your expenses for six months. Until you have that much money in the bank, think of your account balance as being in the negative. But what if your balance already is in the negative? What if you’re already in debt? The first thing you need to do is get rid of that debt. But how can you? One way or the other the debt built up, and it’s not like you stop needing to spend money… Debt is a trap, and it’s one that, for all our best intentions, we’ve fallen into more than once. By sharing how we defeated debt—and the scarcity mindset that walks hand-in-hand with it—hopefully we can help you do the same.