Pretty Little Podcasters

{S05 E05} "Miss Me x 100" with Jackie Kashian!



Pretty Little Liars. Episode 100. We made it, you guys. And as with all monumental episodes we had to enlist help from a monumental guest. To help us wade through the insanity, we have the hilarious and uh-mazing host of the Dork Forest podcast, Jackie Kashian! It is a shipper's wet dream as we get some Emison, some Spoby and lots of Ezria. Way too much Ezria, if we're being frank. Anyway, Ali starts the day by going back to school and ends it by getting in a slap fight with Mona in a church. Some stuff happens in between and Jackie is here to break down each gasp-inducing minute as only she can! Meanwhile, Caleb's back! For just three seconds but him and his fabulous new haircut are back!