Kardec Radio Talk Shows

Diego’s NDE - the Spirit World Around Us with Brian Foster



Call in to listen and to participate: (858) 769-4705 Diego had an extremely varied near death experience. While many have an out-of-body episode, that seemed to only cover one aspect of their life, such as meeting past family, a life review, or speaking to a high spirit; Diego’s NDE was a tour-de-force, commencing with a life review, a glimpse at the process of spirits traveling back and forth to earth and the newly departed journeying upwards. He conversed with a high spirit and was shown personal future events … and what is most startling; allowed to retain memories of what was revealed. My blog is at: NWspiritism The topic we will discuss is at: Diego’s NDE – Life Review and a Peek at the Future Book covering the topic: The Spirit World Talks to Us Facebook page to discuss Spiritism: Spiritism and the Spirit World Around Us List of Previous Podcasts: Recorded Programs Please join us every Sunday at 7 pm eastern and 4 pm pacific for a live program to discuss a topic about Spiritism and the Spirit Wor