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HOW TO GROW GREATER COURAGE! Plus a Guided Meditation! Peter Bregman of 18 Minutes



If you’ve ever wanted more courage or to be a better leader then do we have the Leading with Emotional Courage show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Peter Bregman, the best-selling author of 18 minutes , an top 100 leadership speaker and the author of a brand-new page-burning book Leading with Emotional Courage. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about, about how to have hard conversations, create accountability, and inspire action on your most important work! Leading with Emotional Courage Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:  Who is Ann Bradney and what is her Radical Aliveness Institute? What does it mean to truly feel everything? What’s the importance of being yourself? How do we connect with our true “self” What’s the importance of meditation? What’s the importance of letting go of overly high expectations? What does it meant that it’s not about achievement? What’s the importance of finding clarity and how do we do so? What’s the importance of slowing down – and how do w