Delight Your Marriage

208-"Help! I have low libido" OR "HE does!"



What if you're a wife that has WAY lower libido than your husband? If you feel like this is just physiologically the way you were made, I want to help. I think there's a lot more to you and the way you're set up sexually. I, Belah Rose, "the sexpert", can easily say I have a low libido. Does that keep me and my husband from having an incredible sex life? Fierce, firey, sensual, spiritual... And I get turned on too and get excited about making love! So... I don't think your libido/"natural" sex drive has to prevent you either! Listen in to find out the top 3 things you need to know if you have a LOW sex drive. And how to turn that around. How I did and do. But what if HE is the one with the low sex drive? Ouch! So sorry, I know that's so hard! There are several important questions you need to be asking. I help you to sort through what could be the real source of the issues and how to overcome them. Are you contributing to the issue or COULD be contributing to live the solution? -- What’s a Clarity Call: You ca