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POWERFUL & INSPIRING! WHEN BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE! Jessica Lee & Michael Sandler | Health | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever had something terrible happen to you, or your loved one, then you’ll want to check out this show. Jessica Lee (Inspire Nation’s producer and my wife…and my hero!) and I share our second miscarriage experience, what we can all learn from it, and how we can heal, and do our best to make the most out of life’s most harrowing (and often heart-breaking) experiences. This is such a heart-felt and inspiring show, and Jessica is so honest…and I believe will help everyone from her sharing.  Enjoy, be inspired and shine bright! When bad things happen to good people self-improvement & self-help topics include:  What happened to Michael and Jessica after an Ultrasound How do you begin to process something terrible? What does it mean to step back? What’s the importance of going to the breath, and what does that really mean? What’s the importance of allowing time to breathe? What’s it mean to go to a place of non-judgment? Why is it important never to make light of the situation? What’s the importance o